Privacy Policy


Accèlère Paris knows that you care how information about you is used and shared. We respect your privacy, and we appreciate your trust. This is our privacy policy: by visiting this website, you accept the practices and procedures described in it. You should carefully review this privacy policy before using this website.


For the purposes of this privacy policy, “Personal Information” is personally identifiable information about an individual, as more particularly described under applicable privacy laws. Personal Information may include, without limitation: (a) your name; (b) your mailing address; (c) your email address; (d) your telephone number; (e) credit card information and related financial information; and (e) information concerning your interests, occupation, product use and preferences, and other demographic information identified with you personally. If you have set up an account that is password protected in order to purchase goods from this website or for any other purpose for which a password is needed for use of this website, that password is also part of your Personal Information.


This privacy policy applies to your use of this website and our treatment of Personal Information collected through it by or on behalf of us. The information that we receive from visitors and from those who purchase products via this website helps us improve the website and the services that we provide. Your use of other websites may be subject to different or additional privacy policies posted on linked or associated websites, or websites to which you may be directed; those privacy policies shall control as to your use of those websites. For information regarding the collection and use of information on any of those websites or other third-party sites, please refer to the terms of use and privacy policies provided by those websites. Your participation in any marketing or promotional program such as a sweepstakes or contest made available through this website may be subject to additional privacy considerations, as well as other terms specifically related to that program. In the event of a conflict between the rules of any such promotion and this privacy policy, the rules of that promotion shall apply concerning Personal Information collected as part of that promotion; such conflicts may include the right to share that Personal Information with co-sponsors of the promotion and with advertising, marketing and promotions administration companies.


The types of Personal Information that we receive and use:

(a) Information you transmit to us – We collect and, for a period of time, we store information that you send to us when using this website, whether by ordering products, asking for information or otherwise. It is always your choice whether to provide any such information, but if you do not supply some items of requested Personal Information, some features or services of this website may not be available to you. You may also be asked to respond to additional questions to help us meet your needs, and if you request that information or that an order be sent directly to an individual other than yourself, you will also be asked to submit information about that individual.

(b) Automatically Collected Information – When you visit this website to place an order, to register with us (if that option is offered), or simply to browse, read or download information, we may automatically collect and store the following types of non-personally identifiable information received from you: (i) information from server logs found on your browser; (ii) click-through statistics; (iii) your IP address; (iv) the type of web browser you are using to access this website; (v) the type of operating system you are using; (vi) the name of the domain and host from which you access the Internet; (vii) the date and time you access this website; and (viii) the Internet address of the site from which you linked directly to this website. Automatically collected information of that kind typically provides us with a greater understanding regarding the use of this website, including which pages are the most popular with our visitors. That information also allows us to determine if this website is working properly and to make changes to this website that allow users to have a better experience on this website. We collect that information and track it for statistical purposes; we do not use it to identify or to market to a particular user.

(c) Information from Other Sources – We might receive information about you from other sources that we believe have rights to provide that information to us, and we may add it to our account information.


You are not required to register for an online shopping account or provide us with any Personal Information we request. If you do provide Personal Information through this website or otherwise, including Personal Information regarding individuals other than yourself, we will presume that you have the authority to provide that Personal Information, that you have provided that Personal Information voluntarily, and that you consent to the use of that Personal Information in the manner envisioned by this privacy policy.